Our Thoughts

Word Confusion: Clarity Needed

Word Confusion: Clarity Needed

We here at Cohort enjoy the opportunity to assist those in the larger writing community by providing a bit of clarity to commonly used terms. We were recently asked the following question: Q: Could you please clarify the differences between policies, standards,...

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Advantages of Written Communication for Businesses

Advantages of Written Communication for Businesses

When presenting information to a client, there are two main ways: you can speak to them by phone or in person, or you can put your words into writing in the form of handouts and emails. Which form is better? Looking at this topic...

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Determining Your Required Edit

Determining Your Required Edit

Speed. Quality. Cost. The key trifecta an overworked overwhelmed manager faces when putting a project together. Generally, the premise is that you can pick two options: if you quickly want high quality, it’s going to be expensive; quality at low cost is likely to be...

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Technical Editing Builds Credibility With Your Audience

Technical Editing Builds Credibility With Your Audience

Words matter. If a writer wants their words to be read and clearly understood by another reader (i.e., not a private journal), then quality and care must be used before the document is submitted. Indeed, the overall quality and organization of the document, website,...

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Creating Business Documentation Infrastructure

Creating Business Documentation Infrastructure

Hello and welcome to our first blog post. In this article, I want to show you how easy it is to implement basic documentation infrastructure. This applies if you’re an employee or a contractor.  Following these steps will give your documentation a more polished...

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